The Pseudoscience of Psychiatry

We are admonished to be sober and of sound minds. God wants our thinking and ability to reason clear. Is that possible with the drugs that are given to us to alter our mind-frames? (Thanks to free digital photos for image)

I hadn’t planned on taking time from school to write a note, but I’ve wanted to post something about this for over a year. The videos speak for themselves, but I wanted to explain the concerns I have had and give an idea of some experiences I’ve had both working as staff and as the person staff expected to take medication based on a survey.

Although psychology is my field, I don’t particularly care for it. I would prefer counseling, which allows the person seeking help to talk things through (bounce ideas off an impartial person) and work out what the right solution is for himself. I have worked and volunteered in a variety of behavioral health settings, and I have seen very little improvement when people are given psychological drugs, especially children. I can’t recall a single instance of anyone getting off the prescriptions in these setting. There are several things that I have learned through my different positions:

  1. You can’t medicate a demon. Spiritual issues require spiritual answers.
  2. Life is full of ups and downs. Psychological drugs are not the answer for life’s situations.
  3. Diet and addressing specific health issues can eliminate most “illnesses” that psychiatrists want to medicate.
  4. Psychotropic drugs often require more drugs to counter the negative side effects of the first drugs resulting in a patient taking a drug cocktail.
  5. Psychiatric hospitals are a business moreso than a healthcare facility. Most of its patients return repeatedly for more treatments. Once inside a psychiatric hospital, it is almost impossible to get out without prescribed drugs and stating what will satisfy the psychiatrist for discharge.

I guess my doubts started my first year of college. The counselor evaluated me and told me I had Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). I was being evaluated because I had a C- in Introduction to Sociology, and most other students were coasting through with an A or B. I made the mistake of telling the woman that I daydream in class and imagine tic tac toe games on the carpeting. She had asked me if I had done anything reckless, and I admitted to picking up hitchhikers once. The fact that I had reasoned why before I did it and had spent almost 24 hours awake while having 7 ½ packs of hair braided onto my head may weren’t factors for her. She took random instances in my life and decided I should take Ritalin. I told her I didn’t think it was necessary and asked why I should take medication. She decided that Ritalin would help me concentrate in class. I informed her that I was not going to take any drugs. This was the only class in which I was not doing well, and I hated the subject. I wanted to take psychology but was advised it was too hard for me and to take sociology. No amount of medication was going to make me like sociology. At 17, I was able to turn down a professional that was insisting I start medication. What if I hadn’t been old enough to know better or bold enough to stand up for myself?

Ritalin is a stimulant and is placed in the same categories as opium, heroin, morphine, and cocaine.

When my daughter was in first grade, I was told I should have her evaluated for ADD/ADHD. Basically, the evaluation consisted of her teachers and me filling out surveys, visiting our family doctor, who basically asked more survey questions, and being told she had ADHD. I could then take a prescription to “fix” her. I chose not to medicate her and decided to change our diet. I eliminated food dyes, minimized the amount of high fructose corn syrup in meals, threw out anything I could find that contained monosodium glutamate, and added more fish to the menu. Voilá! All her “symptoms” disappeared. No one ever asked if she was receiving medication.

By the way, ADHD doesn’t exist. It’s basically a label given to children that don’t act the way an adult wants them to behave. “In early childhood, it may be difficult to distinguish symptoms of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder from age appropriate behaviors in active children such as running around or being noisy.” – DSM-IV

The Truth about ADHD from Their Mouths!

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the very first thing listed for “treatment” is medication. Drugs are strongly suggested for children as young as 3 (because they’re still working on how to sell us on medicating ages 0 – 3). Psychotherapy is listed much further down without much emphasis.

Different types of psychotherapy are used for ADHD. Behavioral therapy aims to help a child change his or her behavior. It might involve practical assistance, such as help organizing tasks or completing schoolwork, or working through emotionally difficult events. Behavioral therapy also teaches a child how to monitor his or her own behavior. Learning to give oneself praise or rewards for acting in a desired way, such as controlling anger or thinking before acting, is another goal of behavioral therapy. Parents and teachers also can give positive or negative feedback for certain behaviors. In addition, clear rules, chore lists, and other structured routines can help a child control his or her behavior.

Therapists may teach children social skills, such as how to wait their turn, share toys, ask for help, or respond to teasing. Learning to read facial expressions and the tone of voice in others, and how to respond appropriately can also be part of social skills training.” – Seriously? Are we really supposed to pay hundreds of dollars a month for someone else to teach our children how to share and take turns? Excitedly blurting out an answer and not wanting to share deserve a title of mental illness and drugs? (NIMH)

You can also test yourself to see how much ADHD you have! (sarcasm) Seriously, take both tests so you can read the questions. These are the questions that appear on personality quizzes and are worded in such as way that most answers will be, at least, “sometimes” if answered honestly based on your life history.

Today my score is 38:
“You appear to suffer from mild attention and concentration difficulties according to your responses to this self-report questionnaire. You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, you may want to look into seeking further consultation with a trained mental health professional (there’s a good chance you’re not functioning normally, so you should go ask somebody because you have these “symptoms”) if you are experiencing any difficulties in daily functioning due to these difficulties or if you’d like a more in-depth answer.” quiz

The 6-question test gave me this result (they bolded the word “soon”). I got a score that told me “Serious ADHD Likely!”
“Based upon your responses to this adult ADHD screening quiz, you may very well have an adult attention deficit disorder. People who have answered similarly to you typically qualify for a diagnosis of ADHD or ADD and have sought professional treatment for this disorder.

You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a physician or trained mental health professional soon.”

I have watched each of these videos, and I have to say that I agree with them (some clips are used in more than one video). I have sat in meetings and heard therapists talk about residents/patients not being able to be cured.  I have heard a doctor back an elderly patient into a verbal corner by speaking to her like her concerns about receiving electroshock treatment were ridiculous in order to get her to sign and receive treatment. I have watched staff members tease, embarrass, challenge, and threaten residents/patients because they knew the person could not do anything without getting into trouble, which could be placed on close watch (privileges suspended), restrained and/or placed in straps, or forcibly injected with medication. I have watched a man receive up to three injections within a couple hours because he was considered hostile. He actually fought in his sleep (medicine caused him to fall asleep), but he had an underlying medical condition that was causing him severe pain and explained a lot of his acting out.

It wasn’t until I worked in a psychiatric hospital that I discovered electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), electric shock methods, are still being used on people. It’s supposed to be used on severely depressed patients when nothing else seems to be working. It seems the idea is to shock the person so they forget their bad memories or what is making them so sad. The problem is that there is no way to determine how much damage they’re going to do by sending electricity through someone’s brain, especially since this is an attempt versus something is known to cause marked improvement. I used to wonder why my shift meetings for the weekend would include notes that one of my patients had received ECT four days prior. I asked several people what they thought about ECT, and I didn’t hear one positive response about it. In fact, one woman told me she told her children to let her die before they subjected her to that torture because the electricity kills the person for a second. Shocking people appeared to work, but I would guess that would be because either the people would be so dazed, they didn’t bother anyone, or they were hoping they would be left alone if they conformed to expectations. I did witness a complete change in the woman the doctor informed needed to have treatment. She went from being a tearful, sweet, quiet woman to a person that would be talking one moment and attacking the person beside her the next.

The Trouble with Spikol: the ECT Story

See ECT on an actual patient – Of course, this is presented as a good thing, but medical seizures have never been considered a “good” thing.

I realized quickly that I don’t like acute care work although I sometimes felt like I could make their stay a little easier by being their assistant instead of someone that didn’t care. For starters, my patients are revolving, which is good because they shouldn’t be staying in the hospital long term, but I never felt like I was doing much more than baby-sitting. Many times patients would open up and talk to me, but rounds dictated I jump up every 8 – 13 minutes (sometimes less so no one had time to calculate when I’d return) to do safety checks, which would involve physically looking at each person at their location (which meant I had to open the bathroom door while patients were using it or showering sometimes). This was very difficult for patients that were elderly and having memory difficulty or patients that were suffering from stroke or had speech problems. I spoke to a war vet that had difficulty with speaking. It took about 3 times as long for him to verbalize what he wanted to say, so my rounds really interfered with my being a “mental health assistant.” He basically described his pain and regret because he could remember the faces of those he had to kill. He wanted to talk about the experience, what that meant for his spirit, and wanted someone to listen. Was that something that really required a drug? Was a drug really going to answer his questions about if God would forgive him? Did anyone bother to get to the root issues he had about not being able to care for himself anymore or the guilt he felt, which most likely would lead to a substance abuse?

The other problem was most patients that spoke to me wanted to speak on my shift (overnight) while others on the floor were asleep. I had to encourage them to go back to sleep because it would be a problem for the day shift if everyone wasn’t up and participating (refusing treatment which could be a group word search puzzle). My primary unit was the geriatric unit and was divided into a high-functioning and low-functioning wing. Sometimes, there was not enough space for someone that was supposed to be assigned to the other wing. A patient might feel insulted on top of angry if they were forced to sit in a room where patients would have random outbursts, mumble repeatedly & incoherently, or would wander into their rooms at night. Several patients would refuse to go to sleep because they were guarding their few possessions.

I understand I worked the night shift, but I rarely saw a doctor even when I was on the day shift. They whisked through so quickly, I didn’t realize they had spoken to several patients while I was conducting rounds and changing sheets.

There are a lot of stories and experiences I want to share but don’t have time right now. What I do understand is that if a child is forcibly removed from his home and forced into a sterile concrete cell (pretty much what the residential facility and psychiatric hospital look like), his not wanting to cooperate and do everything staff says is understandable.

People are:

–           admitted against their wills

–           their personal possessions are taken, searched, and stored away from them

–           can only wear what strangers tell them they have permission to wear

–           may not be able to use their own toiletries

–           must share a room with a stranger they may dislike intensely

–          must use furniture that is bolted to the floor

–          must line up and participate in activities at particular times and are seen as refusing treatment/“non-compliant” if they decline

–          are subjected to having people conduct body searches on entrance, peek in on them in the restroom (the doors may be removed), look at them at least once every 10-15 minutes (may be awakened by a flashlight on their faces multiple times a night)

It’s a rare instance to find a resident or patient that is NOT receiving meds. Many youth will face this type of life an average of 18 months. One of my residents had been in the system for 10+ years with over $1,000,000 in “treatment” spent on him. As his insurance was running out, it became a race to find another placement for him. There was no apparent race to “cure” him, but he might stay in trouble by standing outside his door in the hall instead of being in his room at the required time. He got bored easily. I remember being gone 15-30 minutes and coming back to find him in 4-points (wrists and ankles strapped to the edges of a bed).  Honestly, most of the time people were placed on close watch, they were extremely frustrated and expressed their anger by yelling, cursing, being “disrespectful to staff”, slamming doors, or trying to get away from staff. My elderly patients were often unable to be understood from memory problems or speech disorders. Usually it was a matter of figuring out what they wanted or what they were actually saying. Of course they had their emotional moments or times of being inappropriate (like patting a nurse’s bottom), but I can see how being told I have to sit in a room with 15 strangers and can only leave when I need to use the bathroom, go to the next room to eat, or am going to bed for the night can irritate someone (about 13-14 hours in the community room and 8 – 10 in the bedroom). Most of us would be ready to pull our hair out if we could only see 2 rooms 22-24 hours a day for days, weeks, or months on end, but residents and patients are expected to be fully to compliant to the demands placed on them.

It really only takes saying one thing in frustration and/or having the person with the proper title make a subjective assessment to involuntarily commit you. Once committed, there is a mandatory 72-hour period to hold you for assessment and to determine if you’re fit to be released. I’ve always wondered (because no one could answer this question) what they expect to happen when youth outgrow the program and have no family that will take them back or care for them. Some will be institutionalized in multiple facilities for 12-17 years and medicated the entire time. When they’re released because of their ages, then what? Who’s going to help them with their insurance so they can continue to afford the meds that cost $1000s/month? What are they expected to do when they become 22?

Marketing of madness: The Truth about Psychotropic Drugs – documentary
DEAD WRONG: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child – documentary
Psychiatry an industry of death – documentary
The DSM: Psychiatry’s Deadliest Scam – documentary
Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging – documentary

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Gospel Idol

(“Gospel Idol” – Where God is mentioned, but people get the praise)

While attempting to find my way to the library, I drove by a sign that said “Gospel Idol Auditions” were being held. I was immediately disgusted. For starters, why would a church want to do things as the world does? Besides never being a fan of “American Idol”, I don’t see how any Christian could think having a “gospel idol” is a good thing. Doesn’t the phrase alone seem to contradict itself?

Gospel – the story of Christ’s life and teachings, esp. as contained in the first four books of the new testament, namely Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.; glad tidings, esp. concerning salvation and the Kingdom of God as announced to the world by Christ.

 Idol – an image or other material object representing a deity to which religious worship is addressed; any person or thing regarded with blind admiration, adoration, or devotion

If the purpose of gospel/praise and worship music is to glorify God and lift up the name of Jesus, what business do we have promoting ourselves to a position that, by title alone, demands people to pay attention to us? What right do we have to attempt to take any worship from God?

I went to a gospel idol homepage to look around. Not surprisingly, I saw uploaded videos that had nothing to do with God in any way, shape or form. A couple videos were about celebrities, and another one was about cheese. Cheese!!! As I looked around the internet for information on this ridiculous event, I realized that this is nation-wide (one of the perks & drawbacks of refusing to order cable). Not everyone calls it by this title, but they work the same way. I visited some pages promoting different winners, and all I saw were people talking about how far the winners would go in their careers, how this is “the answer” to the secular show, sexy clothing, excessive jewelry, worldly dancing and album promoting. The message, if there is any true message, is buried under the fanfare surrounding the performer.

Then again….the winner is the idol and should receive all the admiration, right? Apparently, God’s role in these shows is just to lure in another type of crowd by name-dropping. Why bother praising God for Who He is and what He does when you can applaud the person on stage that can get you emotionally charged instead? Say “yyyyeeeesssss!”

Excuse me while I take something to settle my stomach.

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What Does the Bible Say about That?

(Popular phrases and beliefs)

I was watching TBN parade Steve Harvey on its show as if he is now the spokesman for Christians.  As I was listening to one of the celebrity interviews and trying to find some truth in what they were saying, I heard them say “The Bible says come as you are”.  I don’t remember reading that, so I looked to see if I could find it.  Sure enough, I couldn’t – and haven’t found anyone that sees it written.  That’s probably because it’s not in there.  So, I figured I’d talk about some of these phrases/events people assume are in the Bible or that have been said so often, people think they’re in the Bible.

1.      God wouldn’t want me unhappy.

– I just want to be “happy”.  I got so sick and tired of hearing this phrase over the past year, I had to start ignoring parts of people’s conversations just so I wouldn’t snap or laugh out loud.  Please show me the verse in the Bible that says, “Be ye happy, for I am happy!”  Let me see if I understand.  Jesus said to take up our crosses and follow him (Matt 10:38), the world would hate His followers (John 15:18), trials and tribulations will come (John 16:33), but we’re supposed to have a life of ease and complete happiness?  Who told you that lie?  Jesus took on human form, came, suffered, was crushed under the wrath of God for sin that was not His own, but you…He wouldn’t want “unhappy”?

Let me help you out.  If what you think would make you “happy” goes against God’s will for your life, then you’re absolutely wrong.  God would prefer you “holy” than cater to your “happiness” (which changes moment to moment anyway because it’s directed by outside influences).  Did it ever dawn on you that maybe you’re the reason for your unhappiness?  Maybe you are reaping the consequences of your sin, and you’re so used to leaving before you can learn something from God, you don’t recognize correction.  God is not going to give you special permission to leave an assignment or do something He specifically tells you not to do because you no longer like it or the people in your assignment.  You’d better own up to your responsibilities and do what God called you to do before you find yourself permanently unhappy answering to His judgment.  You do have the choice – be uncomfortable temporarily to work through the situation and your fickle emotions or being uncomfortable permanently because you have no excuse when it’s time to answer to God.

2.      God helps those who help themselves.

– Book, chapter and verse please.  My Bible says, “4Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.  5I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. 6If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.” John 15:4-6.  Of all the examples in the Bible, no one did anything of significance in the will of God without God.  They waited on His instructions and leaned on Him for help.  All the glory belonged to God.  It was when people tried to get ahead of God and move without asking Him that things fell apart.

3.      You take one step, and God will take two.

– How does work exactly?  At that rate, God would be so far ahead of me, He wouldn’t be with me (since Jesus says He’d never leave nor forsake us Heb 13:5).  Are we assuming that I take one step before God picks me up and carries me two more steps?  (“Footsteps” poem, maybe?)  Do you see what’s wrong with this picture?

If I’m stepping ahead of God, then that means I’m acting prematurely and assuming I’m going in the direction He’ll have me to go.  Jesus says, “Follow Me” – not “Start walking, and I’ll catch up with you.”

4.      Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

– Do we understand what we’re actually implying here?  This gives the impression that a good, long bath will make you right with God.  While I’m sure we all appreciate being clean and standing by someone that understands the proper use of soap and decent hygiene, there are plenty of homeless people that are living in filth and people world-wide that may not smell too fresh that have mansions in Heaven waiting for them.

“25Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. 26Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.  27Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.  28Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.” Matt 23:25-28  The outside can be just as fresh and clean as you’d like, but if the inward man is defiled, then that is what God sees because He looks at the heart (1 Sam 16:7).  I’m not saying walk around and be funky!  I’m saying the cleanliness that will help us get closer to God is a cleansing only He can provide to wash us of our sins.  We should be pursuing holiness.  It would probably be safer to say “holiness is next to Godliness”.  Those in Heaven don’t proclaim God is “Clean, clean, clean”.  They proclaim “Holy, holy, holy” (Rev 4:8).  “15But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; 16Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:15-16.

5.      Come as you are.

– Churches say this.  The Bible makes it plain that we can’t enter into God’s presence any ol’ kind of way.  God is Holy, and He is not to be treated like something common.  If the high priest came before God wrong, he was struck dead.  Uzzah was killed instantly for touching the ark of the covenant (2 Sam 6:7).  We have several places in the Bible showing us how to enter His presence.

Jesus said that all who are weary can come to Him.  All who thirst may come to Him.  Many people feel intimidated going to church because they may feel they don’t have anything good enough to wear.  What you have may not be stylish or impressive, but God looks on the heart.  If your heart’s desire is to worship and learn of God, then you should be in the congregation.

However, “come as you are” is not an invitation to be disrespectful of the people in attendance.  Pull your pants up. Keep your skirt/dress down.   Women: I have everything you have.  I don’t need to see it during worship.  If you don’t have clothes that have enough material to cover yourself, feel free to throw on extra clothes or tie some pieces together.  Feel free to wear a jacket around your waist.  Find an usher and ask if they have extra blankets.  Someone may be struggling with controlling lustful thoughts.  You don’t want to be a stumbling block to someone else.  If you can look your best for the club, you can get it together for God.

6.      Money is the root of all evil.

– That’s funny if you really think about it.  Really.  Have you ever seen a $5 bill jump up and slap somebody?  Do you lie in bed wondering how your spare change is plotting on you?  Personally, I don’t worry about my money attacking me when I least expect it.

1 Tim 6:10 “10For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”  The problem is people’s desires to obtain stuff.  People place their faith in the wrong things.  If your desire to gain that next dollar is greater than your desire to follow after Jesus, you are setting yourself up for problems.  Many people who are considered “well off” have been asked what they’d like more than anything, and the answer was “more money”.  If you’re seeking money, you’ll never have enough because your sights will be set on some other material thing, and you’ll crave that.

7.      Jesus fed 4,000…no, 5,000 people.  Which is it?

– Jesus fed 9,000+ people.

  • 5,000 (not including women & children): 5 fish, 2 loaves of bread & 12 baskets left

Matt 14:15-20 and Mark 6:35-44

  • 4,000 (not including women & children): 7 loaves, a few fish & 7 baskets left

Matt 15:32-38 and Mark 8:1-9

  • Jesus reminds the disciples of both miracles while teaching about corrupted doctrine

Matt 16:5-12 and Mark 8:14-21

*5,000+ people added to 4,000+ people = 9,000+ people fed (not including women & children) Just because it sounds okay and has been repeated by many for years doesn’t mean it’s in the Bible nor does it make it true.  It may be encouraging, but we don’t want to teach people that God said something He didn’t.  At the same time, we should search for ourselves to find out if what we’ve be told is correct.

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…But I Didn’t Do Anything to Anyone!

Something has crossed my mind periodically over the past couple months – the story of Lazarus. I thought about it as I listened to myself wonder why people hated me when I didn’t say or do anything to them. I read his story again today (John 11). Here was a follower of Jesus that believed on Him. He fell sick, died and was raised from the dead. As much as we talk about this story, we don’t often talk about some of the other details. I looked and realized I barely know anything about this character. I only know him because he’s the brother of Mary and Martha. I don’t know his age, his place in the family, what he does or even if he testified and spoke openly or preached about Jesus. For all I know, Lazarus was mute!

One thing I do know – he believed on Jesus. (John 11:25 “25Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:”) Jesus called Lazarus to awaken from death and come from the grave. Many were excited about another miracle Jesus performed, but Lazarus was a walking testimony of Jesus’s power over death and helped many to believe on Jesus.

John 12:9-11 “9Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there: and they came not for Jesus’ sake only, but that they might see Lazarus also, whom he had raised from the dead. 10But the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death; 11Because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away, and believed on Jesus.”

Do you see that? Lazarus’s very existence was a threat to the Pharisees and others looking to get rid of Jesus. It wasn’t his eloquent speech. It wasn’t his donations. It wasn’t his good deeds or ability to obey commands. His belief on Jesus was the trigger for the other events. Jesus using him to bring glory to God the Father is what marked him and caused people to hate him and want to kill him. All Lazarus did was believe Jesus and die! Why was his death wanted? – because he was a reminder of Who Jesus is and his being used by God is what prompted others to follow Jesus!

Our purposes are going to be different here as each part of the body has a different function. You may feel insignificant because you don’t have a platform to “preach”, but Jesus has a use for everyone. Your purpose may be a quiet testimony among those in your circle. It’s small, but it’s vital because Heaven will celebrate as those you influence come into the family of God! Your family or friends may distance themselves or turn on you because of your faith. I don’t know your situation, but keep your faith, believe, allow God to work through you so He may be glorified. There’s a happy ending coming! 🙂

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